Given that roof damage can be hard to detect before repair tends to be required, routine vigilance might be advisable.
Water stains on the ceiling or walls, missing and/or curled-up shingles, and dark streaks on your roof all mean it’s time to let go.
Water Stains
Water stains on your ceiling are probably the best tip-off that you have a leaking roof, indicating that your attic is not ventilated properly and also that your house might have mould and mildew. Leaking roofs are an issue that should never be ignored. This can cause your home’s internal structure or even parts of the interior to warp and crumble over time. Shown in the pictures above, if you see water stains going down your walls to your attic, you should definitely reach out to a roofing professional for an evaluation. Once fibreglass shingles start to curl or sag, the roof has usually reached the end of its life, and leakage through them can damage ceilings, supporting beams or even the wood components of the house. You want to replace these at the first possible opportunity, when, upon removal, they have completely dropped off and are ready to cause structural damage – before they wind up falling on somebody, below. Check flashing around vents, skylights and chimneys, to be sure you will have no leaks in these locations.
High Heating Bills
This change can be very discouraging because when your energy bills suddenly rise, you could be facing a very frustrating situation. Your utility company may have hiked the rates, but just as likely, leaky roof shingles could the culprit. It’s also possible that your utility bills are skyrocketing because of this condition. With your climate-control systems overworking to keep your house to a comfortable temperature, you’ll end up racking up high energy bills. The roofing contractor can tell you if your roof may need to be replaced. A good method of diagnosing the problem is to go up to your attic, looking for dark stains or watermarks on either the ceiling or the walls, which will tell you that your roof requires immediate repair.
Loose Granules
While unlikely to garner a second glance from among the other features that catch the eye of the casual observer, sometimes the most egregious slips of placement are the easiest to spot. Clearly visible even at the 7000 metre level, asphalt shingle granules tell a story of the lifetime of an asphalt roof shingleset. Granule loss might point to regular normalisation or early deterioration, or it might offer a red flag that calls both consumers and manufacturers to action. Sometimes the only indication your roof is shedding granules is if you check your gutters (which themselves may be dangerously ill-maintained and can only be climbed in mild weather conditions). Loose granules may well be an indicator that the roof is wearing down, exposing it to more damage. Therefore, it is good to get your roof inspected by a professional roofing contractor every now and then to identify the source of the problem and extend the useful life span of the roof by preventing any such unnecessary loss of granules.
Mold or Mildew
Mildew and mould might look like eyesores, but they are usually signs of large structural or ventilation problems. Mildew is also powdery, and it has a faint musty aroma. Mould has fuggy or slimy properties, and it emanates a very pungent odour. When it comes to mildew and mould, you can eliminate it with a bit of professional cleaning. But if you notice mould or mildew spreading, or there is visible staining or rotting damage, it’s important to book a roof repair specialist. Moisture can get in through your house because of mould growths that are dangerous to your health and the wellbeing of your family. Mould can leak through your roof due to rotten or broken shingles, clogged gutters or rotten soffits and fascia, damaging and letting water get inside into your home.
Wild Animals
Wildlife will be the ultimate cause of yard property destruction, and you can easily prevent this from happening by conducting regular inspections on your roof. Take care of poked-up and dislodged shingles as well as opened cracks and holes on your roof – and don’t forget about the small rodents that pry open boards. By doing this, you’ll be able to deal with them before becoming a problem, and bring professional roofers to halting the damages done by wildlife. Some of these animals, such as rats, squirrels, raccoons and birds, can do considerable damage to your home as they claw or chew their way into your house: they can chew their way into houses through wires, shingles and siding, and, more insidiously, chew up the wires for solder connections or rip them open as they go up and over doorways and windows and cause damage for which wires were not adequately prepared. Audibly, listen for super-heavy thumping noises coming from trees and vegetation at night, install deterrents or exclusion devices to keep animals off your property, install roof vent protectors to keep them from using your roof vent as a means of entry.